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Dr. Giacomo Dalla Chiara

Dr. Giacomo Dalla Chiara
Dr. Giacomo Dalla Chiara
  • Research Associate, Urban Freight Lab  |  206-685-0567  |  Wilson Ceramics Lab 111
  • Urban transportation
  • Urban logistics
  • Operations research
  • Effectiveness of ebikes for last-mile delivery
  • Ph.D., Engineering Systems and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) (2018)
    Dissertation: Commercial Vehicles Parking in Congested Urban Areas
  • M.S., Statistics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) (2012)
    Thesis: Factor Approach to Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data
  • B.S., Economics and Business, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) (2010)
    Thesis: A Monopolistic State in Competitive Markets

Dr. Giacomo Dalla Chiara is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Urban Freight Lab. Before moving to Seattle, he was postdoctoral research fellow at the Singapore University of Technology and Design in 2018 and visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017. He holds a PhD in Engineering Systems from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (Singapore), a MSc in Statistics from ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and a BSc in Economics from LUISS University (Italy).

His research focuses on statistical methods applied to urban mobility problems. His work involves developing models and simulations to study and develop new sustainable urban logistics practices.

  • Guest Editor, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Elsevier) (2021)

Dr. Ed McCormack

Dr. Ed McCormack
Dr. Ed McCormack
  • Research Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
  • Director, Sustainable Transportation Master's degree program  |  206-543-3348  |  Wilson Ceramics Lab 108
  • Freight Mobility in Urban Areas
  • Transportation Technology Evaluation
  • Freight Systems Performance Measurement

Dr. Ed McCormack’s research program is broadly around the theme of the use of technology to improve mobility for people and goods. Improved data storage, wireless communications, and faster computers have created new streams of high quality transportation information. This information allows operators and the public to be more strategic and efficient about using our transportation system but also requires new thinking and innovative approaches. Given the belief in our society that technology can solve many problems, one challenge that he frequently addresses in his research is elemental: what works? For example, his research has evaluated the application and usability of different in-vehicle tracking technologies and of freight-oriented traveler information systems.

A second topic of importance is his recent research—derived from his interest in technology—that explores the development of quantitative tools that can use streaming data. Many of his projects have used these data to create performance measures that allow the monitoring of vehicle travel activity and the calculation of metrics that support engineering and planning decisions.

He has increasingly focused on freight mobility. Despite freight’s obvious importance to our society, this area of transportation has traditionally been understudied by academics, particularly in comparison to people transportation. As a researcher, he has found that there are opportunities to provide innovative insights in this area.

  • Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training (FACET) Award for mentoring of students (2020)
  • Ph.D., Geography, University of Washington (1997)
    Dissertation: A Chained-Based Exploration of Work Travel by Residents of Mixed Land-Use Neighborhoods
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Washington (1985)
    Thesis: An Examination of Transit’s Work-Share Using Census Journey–to-Work and Transit On-Board Survey Data
  • B.S.E., Geography, University of Washington (1979)

Dr. Ed McCormack is an international leader in truck GPS data applications for freight performance measurement, and technology that facilitates truck flows along roadways and through border crossings and marine ports. He developed methods for the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Norwegian government to measure truck speed and reliability performance on highways and roads through the analysis of truck GPS data. He recently served as the Chief Engineer in the ITS section of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

He holds a PhD in Geography, MS in Civil Engineering, and a BA in Geography—all from the University of Washington. Before working at UW, he was an engineering consultant with David Evans and Associates and a transportation planner with both King County and the Puget Sound Regional Councils.

Dr. McCormack has worked on National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board (TRB) projects to identify and improve truck bottlenecks, incorporate smart growth principles into freight forecasting tools, and help public agencies obtain freight data and turn it into valuable information.

He is an independent evaluator for U.S. Department of Transportation freight technology projects, including those addressing truck queuing and congestion. He is directs and teaches in the Sustainable Transportation Master’s degree program and Livable Communities certificate program.

  • Professor (II), Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Adjunct Research Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington

Amelia Regan

Amelia Regan
Amelia Regan
  • Affiliated Researcher, Urban Freight Lab
  • Teaching Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering  |  Wilson Ceramic Lab 202D
  • Freight transportation
  • Optimization
  • Vehicular communication
  • Environmental impacts of transportation systems
  • MSE, Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Transportation Systems), University of Texas, Austin
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University
  • B.A.S., Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Amelia Regan has been fascinated by freight transportation (especially trains and trucks) since she was a child. She worked for UPS when she was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania. She later worked at the Association of American Railroads and then returned to UPS when they started an Operations Research Group in the late 1980’s. After finishing a Ph.D. under the inspirational supervision of Hani Mahmassani and Patrick Jaillet at the University of Texas, Austin, she joined the University of California, Irvine. Now a Professor Emeritus, she held appointments in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Computer Science over 25 years and supervised 22 PhD students and many MS students to completion. The opportunity to return to freight and logistics at this point in her career is a dream come true. There has never been a better time to be studying and working in supply chain management, an no better place to do it than the University of Washington.