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  • "Truck Travel Time Performance Measurement and Modeling"
    Truck travel times measure the flow of freight and identify speed trends over time. They are valuable for assessing the efficiency and performance of transportation systems and are essential for planning, designing, and building better transportation facilities.
Published: 2014
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Dandan Wang, Xiaoping Li, and Zun Wang
Journal/Book: Journal of Applied Mathematics
This paper introduces a novel quay crane design, a double girder bridge crane (DGBC). DGBC is capable of handling containers of two adjacent bays simultaneously, avoiding crane collisions, saving traveling and repositioning costs, and eventually improving terminal efficiency. This problem is formulated as a resource-constrained project scheduling to minimize the maximum completion time.
Published: 2014
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Zun Wang
Journal/Book: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Roadway tolls are designed to raise revenue to fund transportation investments and manage travel demand and as such may affect transportation system performance and route choice. Yet, limited research has quantified the impact of tolling on truck speed and route choice because of the lack of truck-specific movement data.
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Derik Andreoli, Eric Jessup
Journal/Book: Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research
Currently, knowledge of actual freight flows in the US is insufficient at a level of geographic resolution that permits corridor-level freight transportation analysis and planning. Commodity specific origins, destinations, and routes are typically estimated from four-step models or commodity flow models. At a sub-regional level, both of these families of models are built on important assumptions driven by the limited availability of data.
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Wenjuan Zhao
Journal/Book: Maritime Economics & Logistics
This article considers the effectiveness of a truck appointment system in improving yard efficiency in a container terminal. This research uses the truck appointment information obtained from an appointment system to improve import container retrieval operation and reduce container rehandles by adopting an advanced container location assignment algorithm. By reducing container rehandles, the terminal could improve yard crane productivity and reduce truck transaction time.
Student Thesis and Dissertations
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Jeremy Sage, John Maxwell, Zun Wang, Ken Casavant
Journal/Book: Freight Policy Transportation Institute
The adoption of defensible performance measures and establishment of proven results has become a necessity of many state Transportation Departments. A major factor in demonstrating results is the impact a transportation infrastructure improvement project has on the region’s economic climate.
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Kelly A. Pitera, Linda Ng Boyle
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record
Onboard monitoring systems (OBMSs) can be used in commercial vehicle operations to monitor driving behavior, to enhance safety. Although improved safety produces an economic benefit to carriers, understanding how this benefit compares with the cost of the system is an important factor for carrier acceptance. In addition to the safety benefits provided by the use of OBMSs, operational improvements may have economic benefits.
Technical Report
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Ed McCormack, Ken Casavant, Zun Wang, B Starr McMullen, Daniel Holder
Journal/Book: Washington State Department of Transportation, Pacific NW Transportation Consortium (PacTrans)
Future reauthorizations of the federal transportation bill will require a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the freight benefits of proposed freight system projects.
Published: 2013
Journal/Book: Journal of the Transportation Research Forum
This paper proposes a method for calculating both the direct freight benefits and the larger economic impacts of transportation projects. The identified direct freight benefits included in the methodology are travel time savings, operating cost savings, and environmental impacts. These are estimated using regional travel demand models (TDM) and additional factors. Economic impacts are estimated using a regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model.
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Wenjuan Zhao, Daniel J. Dailey, Eric Scharnhorst
Journal/Book: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Transportation Engineering
This paper describes the development of a systematic methodology for identifying and ranking bottlenecks using probe data collected by commercial global positioning system fleet management devices mounted on trucks. These data are processed in a geographic information system and assigned to a roadway network to provide performance measures for individual segments.
Published: 2012
Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Wenjuan Zhao, Daniel J. Dailey
Journal/Book: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2012 15th International IEEE Conference
This paper presents a systematic methodology for identifying and ranking bottlenecks using probe data collected by commercial GPS fleet management devices. This methodology is based on the hypotheses that truck speed distributions can be represented by either a unimodal or bimodal probability density function, and it proposes a new reliability measure for evaluating roadway performance.
Student Thesis and Dissertations
Published: 2012
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Maura Rowell, Andrea Gagliano, Zun Wang, Jeremy Sage, Eric Jessup
Journal/Book: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
The ability to fully understand and accurately characterize freight vehicle route choices is important in helping to inform regional and state decisions. This project recommends improvements to WSDOT’s Statewide Freight GIS Network Model to more accurately characterize freight vehicle route choice. This capability, when combined with regional and sub-national commodity flow data, will be a key attribute of an effective statewide freight modeling system.
Student Thesis and Dissertations
Published: 2012
The effective and efficient movement of freight is essential to the economic well-being of our country but freight transport also adversely impacts our society by contributing to a large number of crashes, including those resulting in injuries and fatalities.
Published: 2012
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Ed McCormack, Kelly Pitera
Journal/Book: International Journal of Applied Logistics
Shippers and motor carriers are impacted by and react differently to travel time variability due to their positions within the supply chain and end goals. Through interviews and focus groups these differences have been further examined. Shippers, defined here as entities that send or receive goods, but do not provide the transportation themselves, are most often concerned with longer-term disruptions, which are typically considered within the context of transportation system resilience.
Published: 2012
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Derik Andreoli, Eric Jessup
Journal/Book: Transportation Letters
Currently, knowledge of actual freight flows in the US is insufficient at a level of geographic resolution that permits corridor-level freight transportation analysis and planning. Commodity specific origins, destinations, and routes are typically estimated from four-step models or commodity flow models. At a sub-regional level, both of these families of models are built on important assumptions driven by the limited availability of data.
Technical Report
Published: 2011
Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Wenjuan Zhao
Journal/Book: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
Global positioning systems (GPS) used for fleet management by trucking companies provide probe data that can support a truck performance-monitoring program. This paper discusses the steps taken to acquire fleet management data and then process those data so they can eventually be used for a network-based truck performance measures program.