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  • "Warehousing"
    The process of storing goods in a facility for a specified period, until they are ready for transport to retailers, distributors, or customers.
Published: 2022
Authors: Travis Fried
Journal/Book: Laboratoire Ville Mobilite Transport (City Transportation Mobility Laboratory), Paris
The central research question for this project explores the distributional impacts of ecommerce and its implications for equity and justice. The research aims to investigate how commercial land use affects people and communities. In 2018, U.S. warehouses surpassed office buildings as the primary form of commercial and industrial land use, now accounting for 18 billion square feet of floor space.
Published: 2018
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Melaku Dubie, Kai C. Kuo
Journal/Book: Journal of Transport Geography
This paper evaluates whether or not there is a sprawling tendency to the spatial patterns of warehouse establishments in the Chicago and Phoenix metropolitan areas. The trend of warehouses to move away from the urban centers to more suburban and exurban areas is referred to as “Logistics Sprawl”.
Published: 2014
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Laetitia Dablanc, Scott Ogilvie
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
The warehousing industry experienced a period of rapid growth from 1998 to 2009. This paper compares how the geographic distribution of warehouses changed in both the Los Angeles and Seattle Metropolitan Areas over that time period. These two west coast cities were chosen due to their geographic spread and proximity to major ports as well as their difference in size.