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- "Loading and unloading operations"
Published: 2023
Freight load and unload facilities located off the public right-of-way are typically not documented in publicly available databases. Without detailed knowledge of these facilities, i.e. private freight load and unload infrastructure, cities are limited in their ability to complete system-wide freight planning and to comprehensively evaluate the total supply of load and unload spaces in the city.
Freight load and unload facilities located off the public right-of-way are typically not documented in publicly available databases. Without detailed knowledge of these facilities, i.e. private freight load and unload infrastructure, cities are limited in their ability to complete system-wide freight planning and to comprehensively evaluate the total supply of load and unload spaces in the city.
Goods deliveryVehicle envelopesInfrastructureFinal 50 FeetInfrastructure inventoryAlleysLoading and unloading operationsLoading bays
Goods deliveryVehicle envelopesInfrastructureFinal 50 FeetInfrastructure inventoryAlleysLoading and unloading operationsLoading bays
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Journal of Safety Research
With growing freight operations throughout the world, there is a push for transportation systems to accommodate trucks during loading and unloading operations. Currently, many urban locations do not provide loading and unloading zones, which results in trucks parking in places that obstruct bicyclist’s roadway infrastructure (e.g., bicycle lanes).
With growing freight operations throughout the world, there is a push for transportation systems to accommodate trucks during loading and unloading operations. Currently, many urban locations do not provide loading and unloading zones, which results in trucks parking in places that obstruct bicyclist’s roadway infrastructure (e.g., bicycle lanes).
Published: 2022
This three-year project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office has the potential to radically improve the urban freight system in ways that help both the public and private sectors.
This three-year project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office has the potential to radically improve the urban freight system in ways that help both the public and private sectors.
OpenPark (Parking occupancy application)Goods movementCurb occupancyEnergy consumptionCurb productivityParking-seekingCommon carrier parcel lockersLoading and unloading operations
OpenPark (Parking occupancy application)Goods movementCurb occupancyEnergy consumptionCurb productivityParking-seekingCommon carrier parcel lockersLoading and unloading operations
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: Scientific Reports
Delivery vehicle drivers are experiencing increasing challenges in finding available curb space to park in urban areas, which increases instances of cruising for parking and parking in unauthorized spaces. Policies traditionally used to reduce cruising for parking for passenger vehicles, such as parking fees and congestion pricing, are not effective at changing delivery drivers’ travel and parking behaviors.
Delivery vehicle drivers are experiencing increasing challenges in finding available curb space to park in urban areas, which increases instances of cruising for parking and parking in unauthorized spaces. Policies traditionally used to reduce cruising for parking for passenger vehicles, such as parking fees and congestion pricing, are not effective at changing delivery drivers’ travel and parking behaviors.
Driver behaviorLoading and unloading operationsOpenPark (Parking occupancy application)Parking cruising behaviorLast-mile (final mile) deliveryFinal 50 FeetReal-time curb visibilityCurbspace managementDelivery operations and management
Driver behaviorLoading and unloading operationsOpenPark (Parking occupancy application)Parking cruising behaviorLast-mile (final mile) deliveryFinal 50 FeetReal-time curb visibilityCurbspace managementDelivery operations and management
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: 9th International Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, May 2022
Cities need new load/unload space concepts to efficiently move freight, particularly as autonomous vehicles (both passenger and freight) become feasible. This research aims to: understand the importance of off-street commercial parking, understand how off-street facilities are managed, and determine whether off-street commercial parking is an underutilized resource for urban goods delivery.
Cities need new load/unload space concepts to efficiently move freight, particularly as autonomous vehicles (both passenger and freight) become feasible. This research aims to: understand the importance of off-street commercial parking, understand how off-street facilities are managed, and determine whether off-street commercial parking is an underutilized resource for urban goods delivery.
Technical Report
Published: 2020
This Toolkit is designed to help transportation professionals and researchers gather key data needed to make the Final 50 Feet segment function as efficiently as possible, reducing both the time trucks park in load/unload spaces and the number of failed first delivery attempts.
This Toolkit is designed to help transportation professionals and researchers gather key data needed to make the Final 50 Feet segment function as efficiently as possible, reducing both the time trucks park in load/unload spaces and the number of failed first delivery attempts.
The Final 50 Feet of the Urban Goods Delivery SystemSurface TransportationUrban Goods Delivery and Land Use
The Final 50 Feet of the Urban Goods Delivery SystemSurface TransportationUrban Goods Delivery and Land Use
Published: 2020
This report describes the Urban Freight Lab (UFL) work to map the locations of all private loading docks, loading bays, and loading areas for commercial vehicles in Seattle’s First Hill and Capitol Hill neighborhoods and document their key design and capacity features, as part of our Final 50 Feet Research Program.
This report describes the Urban Freight Lab (UFL) work to map the locations of all private loading docks, loading bays, and loading areas for commercial vehicles in Seattle’s First Hill and Capitol Hill neighborhoods and document their key design and capacity features, as part of our Final 50 Feet Research Program.
Parking infrastructureLoading and unloading operationsLoading baysParking resource allocation optimizationInfrastructureFinal 50 FeetInfrastructure inventory
Parking infrastructureLoading and unloading operationsLoading baysParking resource allocation optimizationInfrastructureFinal 50 FeetInfrastructure inventory
Technical Report
Published: 2020
This report presents research to improve the understanding of curb space and delivery needs in urban areas. Observations of delivery operations to determine vehicle type, loading actions, door locations, and accessories used were conducted. Once common practices had been identified, then simulated loading activities were measured to quantify different types of loading space requirements around commercial vehicles.
This report presents research to improve the understanding of curb space and delivery needs in urban areas. Observations of delivery operations to determine vehicle type, loading actions, door locations, and accessories used were conducted. Once common practices had been identified, then simulated loading activities were measured to quantify different types of loading space requirements around commercial vehicles.
CVLZ (Commercial Delivery Load Zone)Loading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureVehicle envelopes
CVLZ (Commercial Delivery Load Zone)Loading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureVehicle envelopes
Related Research Project:
Developing Design Guidelines for Commercial Vehicle Envelopes on Urban Streets
Developing Design Guidelines for Commercial Vehicle Envelopes on Urban Streets
Published: 2020
Journal/Book: Cities
There is growing pressure in cities to unlock the potential of every public infrastructure element as density and demand for urban resources increase. Despite their historical role as providing access to land uses for freight and servicing, alleys have not been studied as a resource in modern freight access planning. The authors developed a replicable data collection method to build and maintain an alley inventory and operations study focused on commercial vehicles.
There is growing pressure in cities to unlock the potential of every public infrastructure element as density and demand for urban resources increase. Despite their historical role as providing access to land uses for freight and servicing, alleys have not been studied as a resource in modern freight access planning. The authors developed a replicable data collection method to build and maintain an alley inventory and operations study focused on commercial vehicles.
The Final 50 Feet of the Urban Goods Delivery SystemSurface TransportationUrban Goods Delivery and Land Use
The Final 50 Feet of the Urban Goods Delivery SystemSurface TransportationUrban Goods Delivery and Land Use
Related Research Project:
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Technical Report
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: U.S. Department of Energy
The objectives of this project are to develop and implement a technology solution to support research, development, and demonstration of data processing techniques, models, simulations, a smart phone application, and a visual-confirmation system to: Reduce delivery vehicle parking seeking behavior by approximately 20% in the pilot test area, by returning current and predicted load/unload space occupancy information to users on a web-based and/or mobile platform, to inform real-time parking decis…
The objectives of this project are to develop and implement a technology solution to support research, development, and demonstration of data processing techniques, models, simulations, a smart phone application, and a visual-confirmation system to: Reduce delivery vehicle parking seeking behavior by approximately 20% in the pilot test area, by returning current and predicted load/unload space occupancy information to users on a web-based and/or mobile platform, to inform real-time parking decis…
City logisticsDwell timeEmissionsLoading and unloading operationsReal-time curb visibilityCurb occupancyParking-seeking
City logisticsDwell timeEmissionsLoading and unloading operationsReal-time curb visibilityCurb occupancyParking-seeking
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Rapid urban growth puts pressure on local governments to rethink how they manage street curb parking. Competition for space among road users and lack of adequate infrastructure force delivery drivers either to search for vacant spaces or to park in unsuitable areas, which negatively impacts road capacity and causes inconvenience to other users of the road. The purpose of this paper is to advance research by providing data-based insight into what is actually happening at the curb.
Rapid urban growth puts pressure on local governments to rethink how they manage street curb parking. Competition for space among road users and lack of adequate infrastructure force delivery drivers either to search for vacant spaces or to park in unsuitable areas, which negatively impacts road capacity and causes inconvenience to other users of the road. The purpose of this paper is to advance research by providing data-based insight into what is actually happening at the curb.
Curb inventoryLoading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureParking cruising behaviorParking resource allocation optimizationParking complianceCurb usage
Curb inventoryLoading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureParking cruising behaviorParking resource allocation optimizationParking complianceCurb usage
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: International Journal of Transport Development and Integration
Commercial heavy vehicles using urban curbside loading zones are not typically provided with an envelope, or space adjacent to the vehicle, allocated for loading and unloading activities. While completing loading and unloading activities, couriers are required to walk around the vehicle, extend ramps and handling equipment and maneuver goods; these activities require space around the vehicle.
Commercial heavy vehicles using urban curbside loading zones are not typically provided with an envelope, or space adjacent to the vehicle, allocated for loading and unloading activities. While completing loading and unloading activities, couriers are required to walk around the vehicle, extend ramps and handling equipment and maneuver goods; these activities require space around the vehicle.
Commercial vehicle parkingCurbspace managementLoading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureVehicle envelopesPolicy
Commercial vehicle parkingCurbspace managementLoading and unloading operationsLoading and unloading zones and infrastructureVehicle envelopesPolicy
Related Research Project:
Developing Design Guidelines for Commercial Vehicle Envelopes on Urban Streets
Developing Design Guidelines for Commercial Vehicle Envelopes on Urban Streets
Published: 2018
Journal/Book: VREF: Current Issues Influencing Urban Freight Research
Purpose: The increasing growth of e-commerce has been putting pressure on local governments to rethink how they manage street curb parking and alley operations for trucks and other delivery vehicles.
Purpose: The increasing growth of e-commerce has been putting pressure on local governments to rethink how they manage street curb parking and alley operations for trucks and other delivery vehicles.
Related Research Project:
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Published: 2018
The Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics (SCTL) Center conducted an alley inventory and truck load/unload occupancy study for the City of Seattle. Researchers collected data identifying the locations and infrastructure characteristics of alleys within Seattle’s One Center City planning area, which includes the downtown, uptown, South Lake Union, Capitol Hill, and First Hill urban centers.
The Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics (SCTL) Center conducted an alley inventory and truck load/unload occupancy study for the City of Seattle. Researchers collected data identifying the locations and infrastructure characteristics of alleys within Seattle’s One Center City planning area, which includes the downtown, uptown, South Lake Union, Capitol Hill, and First Hill urban centers.
Related Research Project:
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Seattle Center City Alley Infrastructure Inventory and Occupancy Study 2018 (Task Order 4)
Published: 2018
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Movement of goods within a central business district (CBD) can be very constraining with high levels of congestion and insufficient curb spaces. Pick-up and delivery activities encompass a significant portion of urban goods movement and inefficient operations can negatively impact the already highly congested areas and truck dwell times. Identifying and quantifying the delivery processes within the building is often difficult.
Movement of goods within a central business district (CBD) can be very constraining with high levels of congestion and insufficient curb spaces. Pick-up and delivery activities encompass a significant portion of urban goods movement and inefficient operations can negatively impact the already highly congested areas and truck dwell times. Identifying and quantifying the delivery processes within the building is often difficult.
Loading and unloading operationsGoods movementLast-mile (final mile) deliveryFinal 50 FeetDelivery operations and managementDwell timeFailed delivery
Loading and unloading operationsGoods movementLast-mile (final mile) deliveryFinal 50 FeetDelivery operations and managementDwell timeFailed delivery