José Luis Machado León(no longer at UFL/SCTL)
- Research Assistant, Urban Freight Lab
- Ph.D. Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Transportation Track)
jlmaleon@uw.edu | Wilson Ceramics Lab
- An Empirical Analysis of Passenger Vehicle Dwell Time and Curb Management Strategies for Ride-Hailing Pick-Up/Drop-Off Operations (2023)
- Supporting Comprehensive Urban Freight Planning by Mapping Private Load and Unload Facilities (2023)
- Ridehail and Commercial Vehicles Access in Urban Areas: Implications for Public Infrastructure Management (2022)
- Estimating the Location of Off-Street Infrastructure for Delivery and Pick-Up Operations in Dense Urban Areas (2021)
- Testing Curbside Management Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Ridesourcing Services on Traffic (2020)
- Bringing Alleys to Light: An Urban Freight Infrastructure Viewpoint (2020)
- Commercial Vehicle Parking in Downtown Seattle: Insights on the Battle for the Curb (2019)
- Curbing Conflicts: Curb Allocation Change Project Report (2019)
- Estimating the Location of Private Infrastructure for Delivery and Pick-Up Operations in Dense Urban Areas (2018)
- Finding Service Quality Improvement Opportunities Across Different Typologies of Public Transit Customers (2018)
- Understanding the Use of the Curb Space and Alley for Unloading and Loading Operations: A Seattle Case Study (2018)
- Mapping Urban Freight Infrastructure for Planning: A Demonstration of a Methodology (2018)
- Are Cities’ Delivery Spaces in the Right Places? Mapping Truck Load/Unload Locations (2018)
- From the Last Mile to the Last 800 Feet: Key Factors in Urban Pick-Up and Delivery of Goods (2017)
- Review of Performance Metrics for Community-Based Planning for Resilience of the Transportation System (2017)
- Recipient, Concord Engineering – Jason Holdridge Term Graduate Student Support Scholarship (2017)
- First Place, Washington State Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Student Night Competition (2017)
José Luis Machado León holds a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Granada (Spain) and an MS and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Transportation Track) from the University of Washington. He is a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter at the UW.