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  • "Freight planning"
    Freight planning involves the strategic and systematic process of organizing, coordinating, and optimizing the movement of goods within a transportation network.
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
At the spring Urban Freight Lab (UFL) meeting, members heard about four innovative approaches to planning streets so both people and goods can move more efficiently, safely, and sustainably. The catch? Europe is the only place most of these ideas have successfully scaled. So, how might these ideas translate or get adapted to a North American context as we look toward 2030? In our last blog, we talked about an integrated freight and pedestrian approach Gothenburg, Sweden, has had on...
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2022
Just as there has been a push for more climate-friendly passenger travel in recent years, that same push is building for freight travel. At the same time ecommerce is booming and goods delivery in cities is rising, sustainability has become a policy focus for city governments and a corporate priority for companies. Why? Cities report being motivated to be responsive to residents, businesses, and the goals of elected leaders.
Technical Report
Published: 2021
Seattle now ranks as the nation’s sixth-fastest growing city and is among the nation’s densest. As the city grows, so do truck volumes — volumes tied to economic growth for Seattle and the region as a whole. But many streets are already at capacity during peak hours and bottleneck conditions are worsening. This project is designed to deliver critical granular baseline data on commercial vehicle movement in two key areas of the city to help the city effectively and efficiently...
Published: 2016
Journal/Book: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research.
Predicting truck (heavy vehicle) travel time is a principal component of freight project prioritization and planning. However, most existing travel time prediction models are designed for passenger vehicles and fail to make truck specific forecasts or use truck specific data. Little is known about the impact of this limitation, or how truck travel time prediction could be improved in response to freight investments with an improved methodology.
Technical Report
Published: 2008
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Kaori Fugisawa, Eric Jessup
Journal/Book: Transportation Northwest (TransNow)
The proposed research will address an emerging need by local, state and regional transportation planners and policymakers to better understand the transportation characteristics, functions and dynamics of ocean port-to-handling facility and handling facility-to-final market freight movements. The research will also address a gap in the academic literature for freight transportation models that capture underlying economic forces.