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  • "Digitization and digital transformation"
    Digitization is the conversion of data into bits and bytes. Digital transformation looks at how digitization is transforming logistics, commerce, last-mile operations, and the public realm.  
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
Consider it the left-hand, right-hand challenge of the urban freight landscape. But a gentler riff on the whole “the left-hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.” Each hand does know something about what the other hand is doing, but probably not enough. On the left, there are Urban Freight Lab (UFL) member companies like Amazon and UPS that use the public right of way to move goods. On the right, various levels of government manage and regulate that...
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
We’ve dug into how digitization continues to spark new developments in the urban freight landscape across the private and public sectors alike — with cities lagging behind digitization veterans like Amazon. As Urban Freight Lab members noted at the fall meeting, it’s understandable why the private sector is ahead. Digitization helps companies improve operations toward lowering costs, saving time and money, and keeping customers satisfied.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
We have digitization to thank for today’s urban freight landscape. Digitization has long been the backbone of things we now take for granted — from TNCs (Transportation Network Companies) Uber and Lyft to online shopping and the complex supply chain needed to make that ecommerce happen. Digitization is what gives ecommerce’s biggest player — Amazon — visibility into its packages and enables it to deliver faster and more reliably than ever. So digitalization isn’t new.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Special Issue
Published: 2021
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Giacomo Dalla ChiaraDr. Andisheh Ranjbari, Susan Shaheen (University of California, Berkeley), Donald Shoup (UCLA)
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Efforts to regulate the curb also suffer from a lack of publicly accessible data on both the demand and supply of curb space. Cities often do not have the technical expertise to develop a curb data collection and data-sharing strategy. In addition, the private individuals and companies that generate most of the curb-use data often withhold them from public use to protect proprietary information and personal user data. However, new uses of data sources, such as the Global Positioning System...