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  • "Curb inventory"
    A curb inventory refers to an assessment or record of the curb space in a particular area. Traditionally, it has been a static list or documentation. However, with the evolving dynamics of curbs involving various agencies, private-sector collaborations, and evolving demands, there's a need to move beyond this static approach. A digital curb inventory, for instance, serves as a tool for cities to visualize, analyze, and continuously update curb strategies and regulations. It facilitates communication with the private sector, enabling them to effectively manage commercial delivery fleets, designate parking spots for scooters, and guide real-time ride-hailing operations.
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: 9th International Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, May 2022
Cities need new load/unload space concepts to efficiently move freight, particularly as autonomous vehicles (both passenger and freight) become feasible. This research aims to: understand the importance of off-street commercial parking, understand how off-street facilities are managed, and determine whether off-street commercial parking is an underutilized resource for urban goods delivery.
Published: 2021
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Through structured interviews with public agency and private company staff and a review of existing pilot project evaluations and curb management guidelines, this study surveys contemporary approaches to curb space management in 14 U.S. cities and documents the challenges and opportunities associated with them. A total of 17 public agencies (including public works departments, transportation agencies, and metropolitan planning organizations) in every census region of the U.S.
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Rapid urban growth puts pressure on local governments to rethink how they manage street curb parking. Competition for space among road users and lack of adequate infrastructure force delivery drivers either to search for vacant spaces or to park in unsuitable areas, which negatively impacts road capacity and causes inconvenience to other users of the road. The purpose of this paper is to advance research by providing data-based insight into what is actually happening at the curb.