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  • "Artificial Intelligence (AI)"
    The study of the reproduction or simulation of human-level thought in computers.
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
We’ve dug into how digitization continues to spark new developments in the urban freight landscape across the private and public sectors alike — with cities lagging behind digitization veterans like Amazon. As Urban Freight Lab members noted at the fall meeting, it’s understandable why the private sector is ahead. Digitization helps companies improve operations toward lowering costs, saving time and money, and keeping customers satisfied.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2022
Authors: Thomas MaxnerDr. Andisheh Ranjbari, James Koch, Vinay Amatya, Chase Dowling
Journal/Book: arXiv
Fundamental diagrams describe the relationship between speed, flow, and density for some roadway (or set of roadway) configuration(s). These diagrams typically do not reflect, however, information on how speed-flow relationships change as a function of exogenous variables such as curb configuration, weather or other exogenous, contextual information.
Related Research Project:
Dynamically Managed Curb Space Pilot