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The Clean Trucks Program: Evaluation of Policy Impacts on Marine Terminal Operations

Publication: Journal of Maritime Economics and Logistics
Volume: 10(4)
Pages: 393-408
Publication Date: 2008

The Clean Trucks Program is a Clean Air Action Plan initiative currently being adopted by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. This paper examines each of the Clean Trucks Program’s current requirements and estimates the impact on terminal operations. Using terminal operations data supplied by three terminal operating companies, we conduct a simple queuing analysis and present a regression model which allow us to consider the potential impact of the policy changes. While the impact at a specific terminal is not estimated in this paper, we consider order of magnitude effects. While the programme itself does not require terminal operations changes, the programme will modestly increase incentives to improve operational efficiency outside the terminal and reduce terminal gate processing time. It will also require technology that could be used for further operational changes. We show, however, that unless gate time improvements are matched with these operational improvements in the terminal, they will only move the delay inside the terminal and not reduce total terminal time. Our research considers the impact of the Clean Trucks Program on the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, but similar concerns are driving changes at ports around the globe.

Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Karthik Mohan
Recommended Citation:
Goodchild, Anne, and Karthik Mohan. “The Clean Trucks Program: Evaluation of Policy Impacts on Marine Terminal Operations.” Maritime Economics & Logistics, vol. 10, no. 4, 2008, pp. 393–408., doi:10.1057/mel.2008.13.
Technical Report

Defining Washington State Truck Intermodal Network

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Publication: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
Publication Date: 2011

In order to support WSDOT in development of the Washington State Freight Mobility Plan, this document presents recommendations for criteria to be used in defining the Washington state truck intermodal network.

The state does not have an existing definition of the freight truck-intermodal system. To establish the criteria, this project reviewed methods used by other states, identified the facilities in Washington specified by the National Highway System, and compared these facilities to those identified by regional planning organizations. Finally, recommendations are made for criteria to use in identifying the truck intermodal network for Washington.

Recommended Citation:
Goodchild, A. V., & Ivanov, B. (2011). Defining the Washington State Truck Intermodal Network (No. WA-RD 783.1). Washington State Department of Transportation, Office of Research & Library Services.

A Container Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert: Considerations from a Transportation Perspective

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Publication: Canadian Political Science Review
Volume: 2(4)
Pages: 60-75
Publication Date: 2008

This paper discusses the transport of containers between the Port of Prince Rupert and the hinterland. The result of several data collection and analysis efforts, we present a set of findings regarding the role Prince Rupert might play in North American transportation, and the particular strengths or weaknesses of this facility. In the short term, there will be no facilities for container rehandling in Prince Rupert. This activity may take place in Prince George, or more likely these importers may continue to use the facilities surrounding Vancouver. Given the current rail network, Prince George will be required to handle as much cargo as Prince Rupert. This will have negative impacts on air quality in Prince George, yet potentially positive impacts on employment and economic activity through rehandling and transloading opportunities. Due to sizeable resources in Western Canada, this Port may offer a better ratio of exports to imports than other West Coast terminals which will attract steamship lines looking for west-bound fares. Unfortunately, on multi-stop routes, this may also mean Prince Rupert is visited after other West Coast destinations, thereby reducing the benefit of being closer to Asia. Despite these uncertainties, we conclude that, because of its unique features, this Port has strong potential to impact logistics practices in a continental transportation system.

Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Susan Albrecht, Tsit Lam, Kasey Faust
Recommended Citation:
Anne Goodchild, Susan Albrecht, Tsit Lam, Kasey Faust. "A Container Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert: Considerations from a Transportation Perspective." Canadian Political Science Review 2, no. 4 (December 2008): 60-75.