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  • "Ecommerce"
    Ecommerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of buying or selling products on online services or over the internet.
Published: 2016
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildBill Keough, Erica Wygonik
Journal/Book: Supply Chain Management Review
In an age of expanding online commerce, is home delivery greener than sending full truckloads of goods to stores and then customers driving to them? A detailed regional study finds compelling answers. Readers who were teenagers in the 1980s may remember driving to a Sam Goody store to buy music. You probably also remember your disappointment when sometimes the tape or CD wasn’t in stock when you arrived. Perhaps you returned to your car and headed for Tower Records to...
Published: 2016
Journal/Book: The Conversation
Two converging trends — the rise of e-commerce and urban population growth — are creating big challenges for cities. Online shoppers are learning to expect the urban freight delivery system to bring them whatever they want, wherever they want it, within one to two hours. That’s especially true during the holidays, as shipping companies hustle to deliver gift orders on time.