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  • "Planning streets for people and goods"
    Planning for people and goods looks at how cities and companies design and manage public spaces to improve both urban freight from lockers to off-hour delivery and walkability and mobility for residents.
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
At the spring Urban Freight Lab (UFL) meeting, members heard about four innovative approaches to planning streets so both people and goods can move more efficiently, safely, and sustainably. The catch? Europe is the only place most of these ideas have successfully scaled. So, how might these ideas translate or get adapted to a North American context as we look toward 2030? In our last blog, we talked about an integrated freight and pedestrian approach Gothenburg, Sweden, has had on...
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2023
Space is the scarcest resource in cities. How can we best use street space to do more for more street users? Mention the “space race” and it tends to conjure up the Cold War-era competition between the United States and the then-USSR to “conquer” outer space. But at the winter meeting of the Urban Freight Lab (UFL), members heard about a different race playing out on our streets right under our noses. It’s what Philippe Crist of the International Transportation...
Published: 2022
Authors: Travis Fried
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
Moving freight is vital to our ability to live in cities and access goods — but who bears the costs of moving goods, and who benefits from the access that goods movement provides? These costs and benefits have not been borne equally. The last blog post revealed how urban freight is largely missing in discussions around transportation equity and accessibility. Freight delivers immense benefits to cities and residents.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2022
Authors: Thomas Maxner
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: an Urban Freight Blog
Is public charging a realistic option for urban freight? In Part 1, we focused our discussion on electrifying urban freight on grid capacity and installing the correct charger for the job. In this post, we continue the discussion by exploring an avenue for charging infrastructure: publicly available chargers.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030