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  • "Pickup and delivery drop-off systems"
Technical Report
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans)
This report presents a pilot test of a common carrier smart locker system — a promising strategy to reduce truck trip and failed first delivery attempts in urban buildings. The Urban Freight Lab tested this system in the 62-story Seattle Municipal Tower skyscraper in downtown Seattle.
Published: 2011
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Kelly Pitera, Felipe Sandoval
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
A case study of the University of Washington Mailing Services, which operates a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, provides insight into the impact of operational changes on cost, service quality, and emissions. An emissions minimization problem was formulated and solutions were identified with a creation and local search algorithm based on the I1 and 2-opts heuristics.
Published: 2010
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting
Growing pressure to limit greenhouse gas emissions is changing the way businesses operate. A model was developed in ArcGIS to evaluate the trade-offs between cost, service quality (represented by time window guarantees), and emissions of urban pickup and delivery systems under these changing pressures. A specific case study involving a real fleet with specific operational characteristics is modeled as an emissions minimization vehicle routing problem with time windows (EVRPTW).