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  • "Intermodal transportation"
    Transporting freight through movements with connections using two or more transportation modes, such as by truck and rail or truck and oceangoing vessel.
Technical Report
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Ed McCormack, Ken Casavant, Zun Wang, B Starr McMullen, Daniel Holder
Journal/Book: Washington State Department of Transportation, Pacific NW Transportation Consortium (PacTrans)
Future reauthorizations of the federal transportation bill will require a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the freight benefits of proposed freight system projects.
Technical Report
Published: 2011
Journal/Book: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
In order to support WSDOT in development of the Washington State Freight Mobility Plan, this document presents recommendations for criteria to be used in defining the Washington state truck intermodal network. The state does not have an existing definition of the freight truck-intermodal system.
Published: 2011
Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Wenjuan Zhao, Erica Wygonik
Journal/Book: Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
This article provides an overview of the applications of operations research (OR) techniques to marine container terminals. The article begins by providing a summary of marine container terminal operations. Following this, a series of decision problems are identified, to which OR techniques have been applied. These include quayside, yard, and landside decision problems. In each section, the problems, technical approaches, and outcomes are described.