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  • "Freight performance metrics"
    Freight performance metrics are quantifiable measures used to assess and evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance of freight transportation and logistics operations.
Published: 2023
Space is the scarcest resource in cities. How can we best use street space to do more for more street users? Mention the “space race” and it tends to conjure up the Cold War-era competition between the United States and the then-USSR to “conquer” outer space. But at the winter meeting of the Urban Freight Lab (UFL), members heard about a different race playing out on our streets right under our noses. It’s what Philippe Crist of the International Transportation...
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
The meteoric rise in urban deliveries and the lingering societal effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are having dramatic implications for the future of business, climate, and cities. Together with our collaborators and subject matter experts from across the logistics landscape, we are creating a collective vision for the urban freight system in 2030 and we are excited to present it in a new blog.
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Technical Report
Published: 2015
Journal/Book: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
This report documents the use of the National Performance Monitoring Research Data Set (NPMRDS) for the computation of freight performance measures on Interstate highways in Washington state. The report documents the data availability and specific data quality issues identified with NPMRDS. It then describes a recommended initial set of quality assurance tests that are needed before WSDOT begins producing freight performance measures.
Technical Report
Published: 2013
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Ed McCormack, Ken Casavant, Zun Wang, B Starr McMullen, Daniel Holder
Journal/Book: Washington State Department of Transportation, Pacific NW Transportation Consortium (PacTrans)
Future reauthorizations of the federal transportation bill will require a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the freight benefits of proposed freight system projects.
Technical Report
Published: 2010
Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Xiaolei Ma, Charles Klocow, Anthony Curreri, Duane Wright
Journal/Book: TransNow, Transportation Northwest, U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program.
Although trucks move the largest volume and value of goods in urban areas, relatively little is known about their travel patterns and how the roadway network performs for trucks.