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  • "Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)"
    A C-ITS system comprises a box installed in a truck, enabling message transmission via Wi-Fi, and a human-machine interface that relays messages to the driver's dashboard. It utilizes the cameras and sensors already integrated into numerous modern vehicles as part of their active safety systems. These elements would need additional development and refinement to function effectively within a larger system.
Published: 2017
Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Ute Christine Ehlers, Eirin Olaussen Ryeng, Faisal Khan, Sören Ehlers
Journal/Book: Accident Analysis and Prevention
The safety effects of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) are mostly unknown and associated with uncertainties, because these systems represent emerging technology. This study proposes a bowtie analysis as a conceptual framework for evaluating the safety effect of cooperative intelligent transport systems. These seek to prevent road traffic accidents or mitigate their consequences.