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New Article: Giving Curb Visibility to Delivery Drivers

New Article: Giving Curb Visibility to Delivery Drivers
New Article: Giving Curb Visibility to Delivery Drivers
October 17, 2022   //   

October 17, 2022 — Urban Freight Lab researchers Giacomo Dalla Chiara, and Anne Goodchild have published a new article in the American Planning Association’s 2022 State of Transportation Planning report —  “Intersections + Identities A Radical Rethinking of Our Transportation Experiences” —  a highlight of the year’s innovative ideas, emerging research, and success stories in transportation. The article, Giving Curb Visibility to Delivery Drivers, summarizes some of UFL’s research on curb management approaches, including the OpenPark app alerts delivery drivers to available and forecasted parking near their destinations.

More About the UFL

About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): An innovative public-private partnership housed at the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center at the University of Washington, the Urban Freight Lab is a structured workgroup that brings together private industry with City transportation officials to design and test solutions around urban freight management.