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Impact of Truck Arrival Information on System Efficiency at Container Terminals

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Publication: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Volume: 2162
Publication Date: 2014

This paper quantifies the benefits to drayage trucks and container terminals from a data-sharing strategy designed to improve operations at the drayage truck-container terminal interface. This paper proposes a simple rule for using truck information to reduce container rehandling work and suggests a method for evaluating yard crane productivity and truck transaction time. Various scenarios with different levels of information quality are considered to explore how information quality affects system efficiency (i.e., truck wait time and yard crane productivity). Different block configurations and truck arrival rates are also investigated to evaluate the effectiveness of truck information under various system configurations. The research demonstrates that a small amount of truck information can significantly improve crane productivity and reduce truck delay, especially for those terminals operating near capacity or using intensive container stacking, and that complete truck arrival sequence information is not necessary for system improvement.

Authors: Dr. Anne Goodchild, Wenjuan Zhao
Recommended Citation:
Zhao, Wenjuan, and Anne V. Goodchild. "Impact of truck arrival information on system efficiency at container terminals." Transportation Research Record 2162, no. 1 (2010): 17-24.