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Evaluating Two Low-Cost Methods of Collecting Truck Generation Data Using Grocery Stores

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Publication: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Journal
Volume: 81 (6)
Pages: 34–40
Publication Date: 2011

Despite their heavy use of the road transportation system, little data is available on trip generation rates for trucks. In this paper, truck trip rates from grocery stores are used in a case study to evaluate and compare two simple methods for collecting data on truck trip generation: telephone interviews and manual counts. The findings from this study showed that grocery stores generated an average of 18 truck trips per day on a typical peak period weekday. The results also showed that a combination of telephone interviews and manual counts was more effective than telephone interviews alone. Information from the telephone interview guided the manual counts and provided a baseline measurement of counts. However, the interviews underreported truck trips when compared to the manual observations.

Authors: Dr. Ed McCormack, Alon Bassok
Recommended Citation:
McCormack, Edward, and Alon Bassok. "Evaluating Two Low-Cost Methods of Collecting Truck Generation Data Using Grocery Stores." Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal 81, no. 6 (2011): 34.