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Tech Day 2021: Meet the Judges

Tech Day 2021: Meet the Judges
Tech Day 2021: Meet the Judges
November 30, 2021   //   

November 30, 2021  The Urban Freight Lab (UFL) Tech Day pitch competition brings together disrupters, industry experts, venture capitalists, and our members to explore solutions in the final mile space. We invite a panel of entrepreneurs and industry leaders to help us judge and select a grand prize winner based on technical feasibility, business application, and market potential of the solution, as well as quality of presentation. This year’s competition is focused on Electrifying the Final Mile.

This year’s judges are:

  • Giacomo Dalla Chiara, Research Associate, Urban Freight Lab
  • Darryl Forbes, Vice President of Engineering, UPS Freight
  • Kelly Rula, New Mobility Lead, Seattle Department of Transportation
  • Bob Tiderington, Senior Manager of Strategy and Operations, BrightDrop
  • Stephen Zoepf, Chief of Policy Development, Lacuna Technologies

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About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): An innovative public-private partnership housed at the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center at the University of Washington, the Urban Freight Lab is a structured workgroup that brings together private industry with City transportation officials to design and test solutions around urban freight management. Since launching in December 2016, the UFL has completed an innovative suite of research projects on the Final 50 Feet of delivery, providing foundational data and proven strategies to help cities reduce truck dwell times in load/unload spaces, and failed first delivery attempts by carriers, which lowers congestion, emissions, and costs.