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New Research: Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains

New Research: Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains
New Research: Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains
July 16, 2020   //   

July 16, 2020 — During the COVID-19 pandemic logistics has became more important than ever in guaranteeing the uninterrupted flow of goods to city residents. At the same time, the same supply chain providing the goods experienced profound disruptions. Documenting the impacts the COVID-19 outbreak had on individual organizations and their responses is an important research effort to better understand the resiliency of the supply chain.

The Urban Freight Lab surveyed our members—senior executives from retail and wholesale companies, logistics and goods delivery firms, and public transportation agencies—to identify the common and significant impacts COVID-19 has had on individual organizations and the short- and long-term responses.

Read the the findings in Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains.

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About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): An innovative public-private partnership housed at the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center at the University of Washington, the Urban Freight Lab is a structured workgroup that brings together private industry with City transportation officials to design and test solutions around urban freight management. Since launching in December 2016, the UFL has completed an innovative suite of research projects on the Final 50 Feet of delivery, providing foundational data and proven strategies to help cities reduce truck dwell times in load/unload spaces, and failed first delivery attempts by carriers, which lowers congestion, emissions, and costs.