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New Publication: Evacuating Isolated Islands with Marine Resources: A Bowen Island Case Study

New Publication: Evacuating Isolated Islands with Marine Resources: A Bowen Island Case Study
New Publication: Evacuating Isolated Islands with Marine Resources: A Bowen Island Case Study
February 28, 2022   //   

February 28, 2022 — Urban Freight Lab researchers Fiete Krutein and Anne Goodchild (with Jennifer McGowan, Emergency Services Program Coordinator, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada) have published a new article, “Evacuating Isolated Islands with Marine Resources: A Bowen Island Case Study“, in the International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction. This paper is a case study in a collaborated approach between the Urban Freight Lab and the Bowen Island Municipality to bridge the gap between academia and practice for successful island evacuations, as part of the research on Shipping Resilience: Strategic Planning for Coastal Community Resilience to Marine Transportation Risk (SIREN), funded by Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction, and Response Network (MEOPAR).

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About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): The Urban Freight Lab is a structured partnership of academic researchers, public sector agencies, and private sector firms — shippers, retailers, tech providers, property owners, and manufacturers — working collaboratively to identify complex urban freight management problems and design solutions to make industry more efficient and cities more sustainable and livable.