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Commercial Driving Simulation Seeks Participants: $40

Commercial Driving Simulation Seeks Participants: $40
Commercial Driving Simulation Seeks Participants: $40
April 1, 2022   //   

March 31, 2022 — The Urban Freight Lab and the School of Civil and Construction Engineering (Oregon State University) are seeking Corvallis-area commercial vehicle drivers for a one-hour driving simulation to understand travel behaviors and parking decision-making process. Participants will be paid $40. The study will help inform street design and curb management policies to accommodate safe and efficient operations in a shared urban roadway environment.

In order to participate you must meet the following criteria:

  • hold commercial driver’s license (CDL)
  • have 1+ year of driving experience
  • be 18-75 years old

Learn more about the study: Developing Better Curb Management Strategies through Understanding Commercial Vehicle Driver Parking Behavior in a Simulated Environment

For more information or to sign up to participate, contact Prof. David Hurwitz, or (541) 737-9242

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About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): The Urban Freight Lab is a structured partnership of academic researchers, public sector agencies, and private sector firms — shippers, retailers, tech providers, property owners, and manufacturers — working collaboratively to identify complex urban freight management problems and design solutions to make industry more efficient and cities more sustainable and livable.