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Bill Keough on How Africa Grapples with Vaccine Distribution

Bill Keough on How Africa Grapples with Vaccine Distribution
Bill Keough on How Africa Grapples with Vaccine Distribution
May 13, 2021   //   

Priyanka Asera asked Bill about the challenges in vaccine distribution in African countries where there are lower resources and a relatively less developed infrastructure.

Questions answered include:

  • Vaccine distribution challenges are very different in countries with a lot of resources and solid infrastructure. What are some basic challenges in countries that don’t have enough resources and an infrastructure to support vaccine drives?
  • You’ve done a bunch of work with some African countries in their distribution efforts. Can you share some constraints and challenges they have to work with?
  • How is their supply chain set up for vaccine distribution? 
  • Can you share a few interesting or creative initiatives that are happening in Africa?
  • Do interesting/unique ideas get shared and used in other countries with similar challenges? How can we make sure cross-border knowledge transfer happens? 
  • Do you think anything will change in the world of vaccine distribution in low-income countries in the future as a result of this global pandemic?